Neuromuscular Massage
A very popular way of experiencing total relaxation is by having a massage. Massage improves circulation, muscle tone and promotes general overall health. There are many different styles to choose from, however, the Swedish style is a massage style that is more commonly known. These type massages are more commonly known because most massage therapist receive their initial training in Swedish massage techniques as a part of their licensing and certification.
Another style of massage that is gaining popularity is the deep tissue massage. It differs from the Swedish massage in that it consists of slower strokes and more pressure. During a deep tissue massage, the therapist targets deeper muscle groups by employing more pressure.
Thinking of Starting A Career in Neuromuscular & Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is one of the heath sectors that is expected to register high growth rate as a result of the expansion of the health sector. As a licensed massage therapist you can work in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, health care facilities, sports clinics and fitness studios. You also have the option to travel to your patient’s home or workplace.
NC Massage School offers individualized training in the art and science of therapeutic massage for an advanced-level professional career, continuing education and personal growth. We believe in a holistic approach that encourages students to explore personal development of mind, body and spirit in a small, supportive environment.