While a massage therapist is taking care of other’s bodies, it’s important they don’t forget to take care of their own. This is essential for not only their own health, but because they use their body as a means of livelihood. Here are a few self-care tips for the massage therapist to keep in mind.
One of the first things you can start doing is being conscious of your posture. By being aware of your ergonomics you can keep your body balanced and your core muscles engaged. Little things like remembering to bend from the hips and not the waist to keep your straight can go a long way in your overall health.
It’s also important to note the height of your massage table. It should be set to the right height for the client and for your technique. For example, when doing deep tissue massage, you might want to have the table set lower. A low table is also a good idea for when you have a client who is heavyset or going to be laying on their side. Take time to adjust the table to fit both you and your client, and for regular clients it would be wise to make a note in their file about what height works best so you can have the table adjusted before the appointment starts.
If you travel with your table, it’s helpful to have a massage table cart. When you are going to different client’s homes or businesses, you can never be too sure what you might have to navigate or how far you’ll need to carry the table. A massage table cart can not only take some stress of your body, but can also help save you some energy.
If the work you are doing is seated, make sure you get a chair that is comfortable. Rolling stools are great because they let you adjust the height and you can more around the table without having to get up. Folding stools, with their ease of transportation, also have benefits when it comes to off-site appointments. Regardless of which type of seat you chose, don’t forget to alternate standing and sitting do that your back, legs and feet can have a break.
It’s hard to take care of somebody else when you haven’t been taking care of yourself. This is why it’s important for massage therapists to stay well rested. Throughout the week you should be getting a good night’s rest and being careful not to take on more massages than you can handle. Remember, quality over quantity.