The demand for massage therapists continues to grow dramatically as more studies show the positive benefits of massage therapy. The result of this growing demand is the opening of a tremendous number of massage schools. Due to the onslaught of schools offering massage therapy programs, the industry is seeing a sharp decline in the quality of massage school programs.
Choosing a quality massage school requires evaluating specific criteria associated with quality programs. It is more important now than ever to choose an established massage school that has been in business for a long period and has built a stellar reputation. Another determining factor to take into account when considering attending a particular school is the length of time the school has offered a massage therapy program.
Quality schools are ones that specialize in massage therapy and focus on that one particular program. They teach many modalities of massage, not just one. Schools that teach more than one basic massage type prepare therapists for much broader career choices. Many career opportunities exist for well-trained therapists who are sometimes hired by spa directors, chiropractors or medical clinics.
Most massage therapy programs offer flexible class schedules that accommodate busy lifestyles. A major consideration for some prospective students is the number of hours required to complete the program. Another important factor is the availability of late or evening classes. Many schools attempt to accommodate working students by offering alternative class times.
Quality massage schools offer assistance for graduates seeking a job. Some simply post jobs, while others work with students to help them find the best job for them. Career Services representatives discuss job possibilities and employers and offer needed support. Once a graduate finds employment in the massage therapy field, the best massage schools continue to offer graduates placement assistance throughout their entire career.