After a massage you will clearly know if your massage therapist is top quality, but if you are hiring a massage therapist for your facility, or just to have a massage for yourself, you want to know that you are hiring one that will give your customers great service. Here are some signs that a therapist is a great one.
A Full List of Skills
Today’s massage therapists are highly trained professionals with many hours of study, both in the classroom and in the field. The therapist needs to know the human anatomy well and be trained in the type of massage he or she will be providing, and perhaps several types of massage to give you some variety. Also, massage therapists should be continuing their education with ongoing classes to keep skills fresh and current.
The Right Personality
A massage therapist needs two important personality traits. First, the therapist needs to have a great measure of empathy. Empathy will go far in relieving stress for patients who are getting a massage. Empathetic people can listen and respond to a patient during the massage to give the best possible results.
Second, the massage therapist needs a personality that creates a sense of relaxation. Do you find yourself relaxing in the therapist’s presence? Does the therapist’s tone of voice make you feel calm? Is conversation easy? This particular personality trait is almost impossible to learn, but it is vital to the field. If the massage therapist can’t help you feel comfortable when you are just talking, how is a patient going to feel when laying vulnerable on the table waiting for a massage?
Good Physical Health
Massage therapy takes strong muscles and decent overall shape. The therapist will need to use his or her arms and hands to perform the massage and have the stamina to stand for long periods of time. Therapists who are not in good shape could end up with injuries to their arms, hands or back.
Whether you are interviewing massage therapists to hire or looking for one to give you a massage, the right one is going to be obvious when you find them. Take the time to find the right one, and the relationship will be a beneficial one.