The average high school graduate has no clue as to what educational path to follow upon graduation. A growing field that may interest those that are seeking hands on learning environment is the field of Neuromuscular and Massage Therapy.
In most cases, Neuromuscular and massage therapy programs involve practical training in Swedish massage and deep tissue massage, among other techniques.
Students who fulfill all educational and training requirements of Neuromuscular and massage therapy courses can earn a certification and/or diploma in the respective field. Because massage and healing arts schools vary in program length and training hours, a number of spa and massage courses may meet or exceed state and national requirements for national certification.
Successful graduates of a Neuromuscular and massage therapy school may go onto entry level positions in wellness clinics, or may put their skills to the test by going into their own business or managing a franchise. In some cases, professionals who have established a good reputation may choose to pursue entrepreneurial careers on cruise liners and at popular resorts.