Once men and women have enthusiastically earned their massage therapy certifications from a reputable educational outlet, they will still face the daunting task of finding a job as soon as possible. With the tough economy and the competition within the field, this can be difficult. There are a few tips that therapists can follow, however, to kick off their careers sooner rather than later.
Network with Friends in the Field
One of the best ways to gain a foothold in the profession is to network with previous classmates. If these individuals have already found jobs in the field, then they can keep an eye out for openings around the city. At the very least, staying in contact with former classmates will allow job hunters to get a feel for the kinds of clients that are coming through the door. This should allow them to tailor their resumes accordingly.
Write a Smashing Resume
In fact, when it comes to the resume itself, the prose should be made as immaculate as possible. Men and women should also tout their skills and experiences. If they provided treatment to a well-heeled client during their training period, they can discuss this experience. Likewise, therapists should indicate their eagerness to provide the names of individuals who can vouch for their skills. Having some reputable references will be crucial.
Be Willing to Work for Someone Else
As people seek to build their careers, they should be willing to work for an established business while they hone their skills. By working at a clinic that is owned by someone else, they can build a client base. Within a few years, they might be able to take some of these clients with them when they open their own practice.
Learn about Different Kinds of Massages
Finally, men and women who have been trained in Swedish massage techniques should branch out a bit. By becoming formally trained in deep tissue techniques and aromatherapy, for example, they will be making themselves more versatile. When they can attract clients who are looking for different treatment techniques, prospective employers will see them as eminently more qualified.