There is a vast majority of types of massage therapist jobs. Ranging from working in a spa/salon, hospital, or owning their own private practices, massage therapists offer many different forms of massage therapy. However, there are three main categories of massage therapy they provide such as medical massage therapy, sports massage therapy, and relaxation massage therapy.
Medical Massage Therapy
Medical massage therapy is performed mainly in hospitals, chiropractor clinics, and physiotherapy offices. Studies are showing that medical massage therapy helps many physical & mental ailments and physical injuries. It is also proven to help with pain, stiffness, and increasing mobility. There is even oncology massage therapy for therapists to work with patients who have scar tissue pain and swelling after chemotherapy. As massage therapy is becoming increasingly popular and is being used for medical reasons.
Sports Massage Therapy
Sports massage therapy is another form of massage therapy that is becoming very popular. These massage therapists mainly work at events for professional athletes or sports teams. They help prepare the athletes muscles and reduce their risk of injury before the sporting events by providing extra stretching and deep compression massage. Sports massage therapists generally work in sports injury related clinics and specialized sports medicine offices.
Relaxing Massage Therapy
Relaxation massage therapy is by far the most popular form of massage therapy. Their goal is to maintain a relationship with clients and keep them coming in. There is a high demand from this type of massage therapy with many jobs a day. There are also many forms of massage therapy you can do for relaxation also which keeps it interesting. Relaxation massage therapists usually work in private practices or spa/wellness centers.
NC Massage School provides outstanding training to their students in order for them to qualify for any of these jobs. With highly trained professionals as instructors, you will learn an excellent skill set to use in your career. We also provide online or on campus classes for massage therapists to continue their education and stay certified. Start your massage therapy career today and call NC Massage School!